How is Latitude different from my current allergist?
At Latitude, our clinics are 100% focused on food allergy. Our board-certified allergists are all specially trained and deeply experienced in food allergy treatment and care. And our clinics provide quick access to important testing and treatment options, including oral food challenges.
- We are affiliated with UCSF Benioff Children’s Physicians, a world-class network.
- Food Challenge Availability — our clinical model enables us to offer quicker access to food challenges, often within less than two weeks of an initial testing appointment.
- We offer treatment with oral immunotherapy (OIT) for single and multiple foods, for children as young as 12 months old and adults.
- Our treatment program is built on evidence-based protocols and important elements to ensure safety and compliance, including our mobile App, that allows for real-time clinical monitoring of at-home dosing.
- Our team of Patient Care Coordinators (PCC) provide their personal experience with food allergies and OIT and are here to support you.